Monday, January 16, 2012

Style Shortcuts

We all have those mornings. You have big plans to get up, go to the gym, shower, blow dry your hair, pack a lunch and do it all before 9:00 am.  But then you roll over, look at the clock and its 8:30.        
But don’t automatically assume that this has to be a sweats and messy bun kind of day. You can still look amazing and no one will ever have to know you are an irresponsible slacker who slept through their alarm :) From one busy girl to the next: here are our "shortcuts to style success," so you can sleep that extra 15 minutes and still look fabulous! 

First things first: Hair.

            I have a few go-to styles that will look like you meant for it to happen. I normally start any “greasy hair day” with a teasing comb and a little hairspray. If you happen to have dry shampoo or baby powder that works as well.
High pony – always my first choice, this still works well on me to give myself height and pull attention up top to my eyes. It also gets those bangs out of the way, which always seem to be the first thing to look dirty.
Casual braid – depending on how long your hair is, a braid is always a classy and quick alternative when time is of the essence. I love the side braid and will leave out a little bang as well. Braids also prove a good alternative for dirty bangs. By French braiding your bangs, you create a fun and unique look while covering up the fact that you didn’t quite get around to washing your hair this morning. I love an inside out braid because it gives my hair a little more volume. Experiment and have fun with all the different types of braids that are available.
Down and MessyBlake Lively does it, why shouldn’t you? Add a little water and some hairspray, give it a scrunch and walk out the door. You probably don’t even need to worry about a brush.
Rock the “Provo Poof” – When I have exhausted all other options, there is always the “provo poof.” A few years back there was a huge fad in Provo, UT where all you had to do was backcomb your bangs, add some bobby pins and you were up with the trends. This style can still be used as a last minute option for dirty hair. Take the poof to the side or strait down the middle to add volume and a little funk. 15 seconds later and you are ready to conquer an Utah college campus. Phew, thank heavens for the “provo poof.”

Next up: Make up –
I think this segment is about personal preference. What are your 3 favorite make up items? Personally, I would put on some foundation and add a little bronzer, some mascara and I can walk out of the door with confidence. If I had extra time I would add lip gloss and some eye liner. But this is all up to you! Do what you need to do in order to feel the most confident – nothing looks more put together then simply feeling good about yourself!  

What to Wear and How - 

Now is not the time to experiment. You have your “go to” outfits that you love to wear. The ones that are casual, but chic, the ones that always make you feel thin. Don’t even think, just look in your closet and grab your favorite flowing blouse and stretchy skinny's and hit the road. The key to looking put together will be to add accessories. A scarf, hat or a string of pearls. It will take two seconds and make all the difference. 

Teeth brushed, deodorant on and you are good to go. With these tips I can wake up and get out the door in 15 minutes, so I know you can do! Most of all, confidence is key. So own your look and everyone will believe it too – promise.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

8 Reasons to Start Loving Your Body Today!!!

As girls, sometimes the only thing we wanna do is put on the sweat pants, sit on the couch with a bag of Salt N' Vinegar chips (mmm, my fave!), and go over and over in our minds all the things we hate about bodies. We've all done it! About 3 years ago I cut a page out of SHAPE magazine that had 8 amazing reasons to start loving your body TODAY! I ripped it out and put it in my wallet. I get it out every once and a while to remind myself that it's CONFIDENCE that attracts people! Learning to love who you are and what you have is the first step towards being a happier YOU! Life is short; why spend it bashing your body? So... here they are ladies:

#1    BECAUSE it's unique; no one else has the same one

#2  BECAUSE it's capable of extraordinary feats, enabling you to run, climb, jump, lift,                                 squat, snuggle, and spoon!

#3   BECAUSE no matter how badly you treat it, it's willing to give you another chance!

#4  BECAUSE it's expressive, telling you how it feels (pay attention!) and broadcasting to                           others how you feel about it.

#5     BECAUSE, let's face it, confidence is pretty sexy.

#6    BECAUSE your daughter must learn to love hers.

#7 BECAUSE somebody out there (or many somebodies!) admires, and adores it.

#8   BECAUSE you'll regret not loving it more later!

Ok girls... it's time to start the new you! Learn to love yourself and it will be contagious to everyone around you! Here's the cheesy thought for the day.... "The one thing that goes with every outfit: a big smile!"  Gotta laugh at that one! But, seriously! If you need help jump-starting your self-acceptance, just read the list of reasons to embrace yourself-- from head to toe!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Shopping Fast

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30 days without shopping. You might as well ask me to go 30 days without breathing.
Everybody gets one vice, right? If that’s the case, then I pick shopping to be mine. I can rationalize a purchase in any way shape or form: I’m young and single, now is my time to look hot! I don’t drink, therefore I’m saving tons of money that I can spend on clothes. It’s been a rough day, I deserve it. And the list goes on.
But every credit card has its limit. And finally, it was time for me to put away the prada and start to save.
I had no choice but to wear the clothes I already own. Guess that means I had to get creative, be discipline and come up with a few tips to help me cope.
1. Creativity
- For 30 days, shop out of your own closet. Find those versatile pieces pair them up with some statement pieces. A striped shirt, brown belt, button up, your favorite colored pant. You can take these items and mix and match. Wear the button up under a tee for a more casual look or under a sweater for a sophisticated winter style. You could also “funk it up” by tying the two ends together in an 80s fashion over a dress or even with a pair of jeans and a cute belt. Mix patterns and be brave! Your creativity will push your fashion limits.  
2. Avoidance
- turn off the gilt group app and steer clear of the mall. Eliminate temptation. Put the coupon bearing emails in your junk folder, turn off app notifications and when going to browse online,  just say no and go facebook stalk your ex.
                3. Pin it!
- Heard of pinterest? Well, this website can help you combat your shopping habits (especially for you online addicts). I’ve made a wish list board and every time I want to buy something I pin it onto my board. I am still satisfied, but I didn’t have to spend a dime!
                4. Monitor your bank account
- we all hate this one but it’s a must for those hoping to save money. One look at my “retail” spending and I was scared into submission.
5. Give it a day
- a time old classic shopping fast tip, sit on the idea. If you can’t stop thinking about the item in a day, it’s probably a “necessary purchase.” But I bet you’ll forget about it and if not…well…just say “no.”
So there you have it. 5 surefire ways to keep you off of food stamps and your pocketbook from screaming for mercy. For all you addicts, I know this will be challenging, but take it from me – its possible! With a little patience, restraint and a good friend to give you a hard time every once in a while (thanks Kate!) you can do just about anything!